Coinbase(NASDAQ: COIN)是在美國納斯達克上市的加密貨幣交易公司,是全球排行第二的加密貨幣交易所。Coinbase對於新手來說非常有善,介面呈現簡單和易用,而且提供了許多新手教學內容,新手們都可以輕鬆註冊和購買交易貨幣。
Coinbase 背景
Coinbase成立於2012年,總部位於舊金山,是一家受美國監管與許可的加密貨幣交易所。2021年更在美國納斯達克(美:COIN)上市,上市市值約646億美元,已超越倫敦證交所(英:LSEG)的594億美元市值。 Coinbase 在世界各地都設立有辦事處,支援在100多個國家和地區使用。Coinbase交易所的目標是打造一個可以輕鬆交易加密貨幣的平台,讓加密貨幣交易更加輕鬆和高效率。
Coinbase有提供進階版本Coinbase Pro,讓用戶可以享受更低的手續費,亦有更多的功能,不過其介面相對複雜,更沒有手機程式,所以本編教學只會介紹Coinbase基礎版本。
Coinbase 開戶教學
Coinbase 領取免費加密貨幣
點選Learn and earn頁面,可以開始通過學習領取免費加密貨幣,完成課程後需要回答問題,正確就要得到相應的加密貨幣。你亦都可以通過手機Coinbase app進行課程學習,不過Coinbase的KYC是有一點問題,有機會要不時重新驗証。
Coinbase 交易教學
Coinbase app的使用介面非常簡潔易用,非常適合新手進行交易,以下會分幾部份介紹如何使用Coinbase app進行購買兌換和發送加密貨幣。由於Coinbase app介面顯示的語言是會對應用家裝置的設定,而且Coinbase並沒有繁體中文,所以以下教學的圖片內容是簡體中文。
Coinbase 買幣教學
首先在Coinbase app主頁點選買入的選項,就可以選擇想要購買的加密貨幣,以購買Bitcoin作為例子,輸入想購買的價格就能夠購買,在購買前Coinbase會顯示訂單的詳細資料:
Coinbase 兌換教學
Coinbase 兌換加密貨幣的功能也是十分簡單,可以選擇主頁的兌換選項或是使用下方主選單的右下角的交易功能。今次我們使用交易功能介面,選擇使用Bitcoin交易後,嘗試將Bitcoin兌換成USDC美金穩定幣:
Coinbase 提幣教學
Coinbase 提幣功能可以通過主頁四個快速捷徑選擇發送功能,點選想要發送的幣種後輸入地址就能發送。在此處K小編有個小小溫馨提醒:將課程學習中免費取得的加密貨幣先兌換成XLM,可以在不收取網絡費用下提取至其他交易所:
Coinbase 課程答案集
Clover Finance US$5 CLV
問題1) Clover Finance is competing to become a
答案: Polkadot Parachain
問題2) Clover Finance just launched its new
答案: Web wallet
問題1) What can developers build with Clover Finance?
答案: dApps with cross-chain compatibility
問題2) What can you use to interact with dApps?
答案: Clover Finance Wallet
問題3) Clover Finance wants to increase the usefulness and accessibility of…
答案: DeFi
Stellar Lumens US$10 XLM
問題1) What is Stellar?
答案: A decentralized protocol that unites the world’s financial infrastructure.
問題2) What are Stellar Lumens (XLM) used for?
答案: Facilitating low-cost, universal payments
問題3) Why is Stellar good for sending remittances?
答案: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global
問題4) Why would banks and businesses use Stellar?
答案: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens Quickly and efficiently
問題5) How does Stellar’s Consensus Protocol work?
答案: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions US$3 FET
問題1 ) What can people create with
答案: Software agents that automate tasks?
問題2 ) What’s one role of the FET Token?
答案: To power agent
問題3 ) What does plan to support in the future?
答案: Automated interactions with industries like travel and healthcare
Amp US$3 AMP
問題1) What is Amp?
答案: A Collateral Token
問題2) What does Amp provide on the Flexa network?
答案: Instant settlement assurance
問題3) What can you earn by Staking Amp on Flexa?
答案: AMP Rewards
Rally US$3 RLY
問題 1) What is Rally?
答案) A decentralized network for launching social tokens
問題 2) Which of these is not a use of RLY?
答案) Paying Ethereum transaction fees
問題 3) Which of the below is NOT how Val’s fans use ValCoin?
答案) Buying Bitcoin
Compound US$9 COMP
問題 1) What is a key benefit of using Compound?
答案: Earning Interest on your Crypto
問題 2) What do you need to do to borrow crypto with Compound?
答案: Supply a Crypto asset as collateral
問題 3) Who gets to decide the future of the Compound Protocol?
答案: COMP token holders
Quant US$3 QNT
問題1) What is the name of Quant’s integration framework?
答案: Overledger OS
問題2) What does OVN stand for?
答案: Overledger Network
問題3) What does OVN do?
答案: All of the above
問題1: Which is not a requirement for a strong password?
答案: Memorable (easy to remember)
問題2: Which is not a form of 2-step verification?
答案: 1Password
問題3: Which of the following should you never share?
答案: Your seed phrase
The Graph US$4 GRT
問題1) What information is indexed by The Graph?
答案: Blockchain Data
問題2) What do you earn for delegating GRT to an Indexer?
答案: GRT Tokens
問題3) Who identifies high quality, useful data on The Graph?
答案: Curators
問題4) What’s the best way to earn GRT rewards?
答案: Delegate GRT to a high quality Indexer
Loopring US$1.5 LRC
問題 1) What is Loopring?
答案 1: An Ethereum scaling protocol
問題2) What is NOT a benefit of using Loopring?
答案 2: Requires a traditional bank account
問題3) What is LRC?
答案 3: Loopring’s governance token
Chiliz US$3 CHZ
問題 1: Chiliz is a blockchain built for…
答案: B. Sports and entertainment
問題 2: What is the main utility of the CHZ Token?
答案: D. Participating in Fan Token Offerings
問題 3: Through their expansion, Chiliz plans to launch new Fan Tokens in…
答案: D. USA
Cartesi US$3 CTSI
問題 1) What’s Cartesi’s innovative scaling technique for blockchains called?
答案: Optimistic Rollups
問題 2) How can CTSI holders stake?
答案: Delegating or running a node on Cartesi Explorer
問題 3) What does Cartesi Enable?
答案: For developers to use mainstream software to code smart contracts
問題1) About how many smart devices are active today?
答案: 35 billion
問題2) How can you earn crypto with IoTeX?
答案: Generating data with smart devices
問題3) What devices does IoTeX offer for sale?
答案: UCam security camera and Pebble data tracker
Bounce Token US$3 AUCTION
問題1) What is Bounce?
答案: A decentralized auction protocol
問題2) How can you use Bounce?
答案: Create or participate in auctions
問題3) Where can you use the Bounce app?